Dim startpoz As Integer; Dim notestart As Integer ; Dim start_str As String * 3; Dim wholevarstring As String; Dim ansistr As String
note_yes = Chr(34) + Chr(128) + Chr(0)
note_no = Chr(37) + Chr(128) + Chr(0)
Open filename For Binary Access Read Lock Read As #1 ' or use FreeFile(0) for #1 ....
how_deep = 271 'lets skip 3DM description
   Get #1, how_deep, start_str
    how_deep = how_deep + 1
    Seek #1, how_deep
Loop While start_str <> note_yes And start_str <> note_no And (how_deep < 600)
If how_deep >= 600 Or start_str = note_no Then
    Msgbox "NO NOTES!!"
    Close #1
    Exit Sub
End If
nsize As Integer
notes_size As String * 1
startpoz = how_deep - 1
size_poz = startpoz + &HD ' 13
Seek #1, size_poz  ' get the size of the notes string
Get #1, size_poz, notes_size
Seek #1, 3 'seek to beginning of the notes
notestart = startpoz + &H11 ' move 11 bytes from note_yes
ansistr = ""
nsize = Asc(notes_size) * 2  ' * 2 unicode
wholevarstring = String(nsize, " ")
Seek #1, notestart
Get #1, notestart, wholevarstring
ansistr = UnicodeToAnsi(wholevarstring)
ansistr = Mid(ansistr, 1, Len(ansistr) - 1)
MsgBox ansistr