1) Re-Map
Rhino's Spacebar to toggle Maximize/Restore active Viewport
2) Set Control+Numpad-0 to Zoom Extents
3) Re-map Numeric pad multiply(*) to comma (,)
4) Allow BackSpace to act as Rhino Delete command in current viewport
5) Remap Alt+w to toggle Maximize/Restore active viewport
6) Double Click anywhere in rhino window to run command of your choice
7) Left-Shift Double Click to run command of your choice
8) Right-Shift Double Click to run command of your choice
If there is no maprhkey.ini (maprhkey64.ini) file in the plug-in folder
only first(Toggle_between_Maximized_and_original_view) option will
be enabled.
To customize particular option create maprhkey.ini and set the 0,1 values:
Here is the example of maprhkey.ini :
#1 = enable ; 0 = disable
Toggle_between_Maximized_and_original_view = 1
Enable_Control_(ctrl)+Numpad_0 = 1
Re-map_multiply_to_comma = 0
BackSpace_As_Delete_In_RhinoViewPorts =0
Alt+W toggle Maximize viewport=1
LeftDBLClick=_Layer (this can be any Rhino command) if not specified Rhino
_Properties command will be executed)
LeftShiftDBLClick=_ChangeLayer (this can be any Rhino command) if not specified
Rhino Hide_Properties command will be executed)
If no object have been selected DBLCLICK will be executed otherwise see the
Rhino needs to be restarted every time maprhkey.ini (maprhkey64.ini) is changed!
Download MapRhKey
32/64bit /for Rhino V4/V5 x64 SR7
(5.7.31213.18395, 12/13/2013)
or the old